Bach Flower Remedies

Find inner peace, simply and gently.

Do you feel you are ruled by your emotions? 

We all have good and bad days, that is part of life but sometimes the emotions we feel can have a negative affect on our health and our lives.

Dr Bach a well-known bacteriologist, physician, and pathologist in the 1920s grouped the negative emotional states into the following:

  • Fear
  • Uncertainty
  • Insufficient interest in present circumstances
  • Loneliness
  • Over-sensitivity to influences and ideas
  • Despondency or Despair
  • Over-care for welfare of others

Ill health on an emotional level affects us in all other aspects of our lives.

A healthy emotional life and a balanced personality allows the body to find its own natural state of health. Dr Bach designed this system to be simple. It may seem daunting at first, but anybody can learn how to use it.

Simply put, each remedy relates to a particular emotion, and using the remedies we can help alleviate the negative effects of anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, grief and many more emotional states.

The remedies are safe and gentle for all to use, adults, children, pets and even plants!

List of Remedies: Click here to explore the 38 Bach Flowers in more detail.

Contact me today to see how I can help you learn and use this amazing system of healing.

Poster of the Bach Flower Remedies

What are the Remedies?

Bach Flower Remedies comprise 38 essences made from nature, to treat every possible emotion. Simplicity is the key to using his remedies.



Simplicity is the key to using his remedies. They contain the unique healing vibrational energy of plants, captured in water and preserved.


Are they safe?

They are so non-invasive that it is impossible to overdose on them, and if you choose a remedy that is not right for you, it will do you no harm. 


Who can use them?

Safe, simple to use, and effective for adults, children, and animals, the remedies work by addressing emotional imbalances, and restoring equilibrium and well-being.


How are they made?

The remedies are prepared using the ‘sun method’ or by the ‘boiling method’. For more information head to the Bach Centre website here.


How long is a consultation?

A consultation can take up to an hour, and the cost includes an individual remedy bottle to take away. Further sessions can be from half an hour to an hour.